Jacksonville, FL Caulking & Glazing
There are many ways to save money and make your home or business more energy efficient.
Contacting your local energy services you might be instructed to do simple things; switch your light bulbs from incandescent to compact, change your shower heads to low flow versions and updating old appliances.
While insulation is a big way to conserve energy in your home, it is almost pointless if your home hasn't been properly sealed. Especially in the winter, drafty cracks and leaks can undo all of the effort you’ve put in to keeping the cold weather out and the warm air in.
Caulking is not the easiest job to do yourself, especially if you’ve never done it before.
In this time of rising energy prices, Jacksonville Painting knows how important it is to make your home or business more energy efficient. Employing the best caulking and glazing specialists, Jacksonville Painting wants to help you save your money.
Every home experiences energy leakage as they get older, but you shouldn't let them leak money out of your pocket. Sealing cracks that usually leak energy and glazing your windows helps to keep your heating and air conditioning in your house. After caulking, window glazing helps trap heat.
If your heat and air conditioning can't escape outside, then you don't have to use as much energy and over time your heating and cooling costs will go down.
Our experienced Jacksonville painters know how to seal your home properly. With our skilled hands and dedication to customer service, you won't be disappointed. Water, bugs and cold will be kept out of your house, and all the good stuff kept in!
If you want to save money and lower your energy usage at the same time, give Jacksonville Painting a call! Let us answer any questions you have or give you a free estimate. Contact us here or call us directly at 844.659.8768.